Who are we?


Equipping Saints in the full armor of God.

Our Mission


To revise the original Didache into a 21st Century teaching document.  Several changes have taken place since the first Didache was written as the church has grown and matured over time.  The Didache still holds several themes and valuable teachings that are relevant today.

Fire and Water

Extraordinary Experiences

The Didache Fellowship is comprised of academic fellows who are called to teach and those who are gifted and talented at preparing ” the way.”  We have labored long and hard in transcribing the original Didache into a 21st century teaching booklet.  Today there is a need for healthy discipleship within the church.  It is our responsibility to birth people into the Kingdom of God.  To teach and train His people with righteousness, leading them into the Kingdom.

“The Didache was never officially rejected by the Church, but was excluded from the canons.”

Our Core Values

To teach and train God’s children into the Kingdom of God, with time honored teachings and traditions that relate to the Didache of Christ’s teachings through the Apostles to the Nations.

The Didache Fellowship presents the original Didache and its revised version, addressing changes in Christology over 2000 years. It emphasizes Didache’s teachings as instructional aids and promotes a healthy relationship between teacher and disciple to prevent false teachings. The website features videos on the Lord’s Prayer and the concept of love, study guides on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, and ways to grow as a disciple.  Spiritual growth and Bible comprehension are promoted through the resources, emphasizing righteousness as the yoke of Christ that leads to the Kingdom of God.

Didache fellowship

didache icon with signs