The Didache was originally intended to be studied in pairs within a teacher/student relationship. Rightfully so, as it suggests that it was to be studied one on one with one who is seasoned in the faith. The kinship is also seasoned with a Father/Son and Father/Daughter instructional relationship. It is not a dictator, lord/peasant, elder brother relationship.
The young convert is to be encouraged in their learning. Be extremely slow to discipline, allowing the holy spirit to lift us up in glory.
The Didache was committed to memory as parchment paper was extremely expensive to duplicate. Even today the first six chapters, Ten Commandments, Beatitudes, Lord’s Prayer and the Nicene Creed should be committed to remembering.
The new convert should also be paired with someone who is at the same level of learning. Both of these relationship Teacher/Student and Student/Fellow help the convert to learn in a unique way. The Kingdom of God always operates within two or three individuals gathered together in Christs name.
The Didache is a discipleship role for both adult males and women.
One on One
It is incumbent for the teacher to relate that all the teachings are about doing! Putting into practice, adopting a new path and ultimately renewing our minds in Christ.
These changes are done through practice, prayer and fasting that allows God the Father to change our hearts and minds. You cannot force this; it must come super-naturally! Promising God that you will hit the books more, pray more, fast more simply does not work. It just makes you a member of the white-knuckle club. Practicing and putting into practice what one has learned produces a healthy fruitful spirit.
Change takes time if not years to produce an oak of righteousness.
The Fellowship of the Believers
Four Pillars of Church
They DEVOTED themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.
The four pillars are as follows;
- Apostles Teachings- Didache
- Fellowship – Brotherhood
- Communion – Eucharist
- Prayer
(There is nothing more to add and nothing more to take away from these pillars.)
Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles.
(They were healing the sick [spiritually] sharing the gifts of the Holy Spirit, bringing good news of salvation and sharing Christ’s teachings of righteousness.)
All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need.
(They would gather in person, confess their sins and shared their belongings to those who had need. They detached themselves from earthly goods and possessions for joy in the Kingdom of the Heavens. They lived the life of servants, and were willing to bare the burdens of others.)
Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people.
(Within the body of the church the members had sincere hearts, devoted themselves, shared communion with other believers and praised God through prayer.)
And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being held open.
(Revival has seen through the early church. No bells and smells, no endless hours of music, no tricks or gimmicks, they simply lived “the way” of life in Christ.)
Acts 2:42-47
The Early Church is experiencing righteousness, peace and joy in the Kingdom of God. As they grew in numbers, they did experience growth pains. Particularly with those who strained to bring in false teachings that were not of Christ. They sowed discourse and hate among the members. It can at times seem like a daunting task to stay true to the faith.
- Wheat and tares, sheep and goats. It is through many trials and tribulation we must endure in order to enter the Kingdom of God. Love overcomes and it’s well worth it.
words into action
After two to three years the member should be sent out with two or three other members to minister to others. Click below to learn more.